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1.3: uiextras.BoxPanel Go back up one level

Arrange a single element in a panel with boxed title

obj = uiextras.BoxPanel( )
creates a box-styled panel object with automatic management of the contained widget or layout. The properties available are largely the same as the builtin UIPANEL object. Where more than one child is added, the currently visible child is determined using the SelectedChild property.
obj = uiextras.BoxPanel( prop, value, ... )
also sets one or more property values.

uiextras.BoxPanel properties

BackgroundColor colorspecThe color to use for exposed areas of the layout background. This can be an RGB triple (e.g. [0 0 1]) or a colour name (e.g. 'b').
BeingDeleted [ on | off ]is the object in the process of being deleted.
Children handle arrayList of child objects within this layout (note that this can only be set to permutations of itself).
CloseRequestFcn function_handleFunction to call when the panel close icon is clicked. Note that if empty, no close button is shown.
DeleteFcn function_handleFunction to call when the layout is being deleted
DockFcn function handleFunction to call when panel is docked or undocked. Note that if empty, no dock button is shown. See advanced manoeuvres with panels for details.
Enable [ on | off ]Is interaction with this layout enabled? Note that changing the enable property will cause all children contained to also be enabled/disabled, however since they can be individually re-enabled the state of this property does not reflect the state of the children. See the enable example for more details.
FontAngle [ normal | italic | oblique ]Title font angle.
FontName stringTitle font name (e.g. Arial, Helvetica etc).
FontSize positive integerTitle font size.
FontUnits [ inches | centimeters | normalized | points | pixels ]Title font units for measuring size.
FontWeight [ light | normal | demi | bold ]Title font weight.
ForegroundColor colorspecTitle font color and/or color of 2-D border line.
HelpFcn function handleFunction to call when the help icon is clicked. Note that if empty, no help button is shown. See advanced manoeuvres with panels for details.
HighlightColor colorspec3-D frame highlight color.
IsDocked logicalIs this panel in a docked state. See advanced manoeuvres with panels for details.
IsMinimized logicalIs this panel in a minimized state. See advanced manoeuvres with panels for details.
MinimizeFcn function handleFunction to call when panel is minimized or maximized. Note that if empty, no minimize button is shown. See advanced manoeuvres with panels for details.
Padding positive integerNumber of pixels of extra space around the outside of the layout.
Parent handleThe handle of the parent figure or container.
Position [x y w h]The position (x,y) and size (w,h) of the layout.
SelectedChild positive integer or emptyWhich child is visible.
ShadowColor colorspec3-D frame shadow color.
Tag stringA string that can be used to identify this object later.
Title stringTitle string.
TitleColor colorspeccolor for the title bar background.
Type stringthe object type (class).
Units [ inches | centimeters | normalized | points | pixels | characters ]The units of measurement for position the layout within its parent.
Visible [ on | off ]Is the object visible on screen. See the visible example for more details.

For example:

f = figure();
p = uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Parent', f, 'Title', 'A BoxPanel', 'Padding', 5 );
uicontrol( 'Parent', p, 'Background', 'r' )

f = figure();
p = uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Parent', f, 'Title', 'A BoxPanel', 'Padding', 5 );
b = uiextras.HBox( 'Parent', p, 'Spacing', 5, 'Padding', 5  );
uicontrol( 'Style', 'listbox', 'Parent', b, 'String', {'Item 1','Item 2'} );
uicontrol( 'Parent', b, 'Background', 'b' );
set( b, 'Sizes', [100 -1] );
p.FontSize = 12;
p.FontWeight = 'bold';
p.HelpFcn = @(x,y) disp('Help me!');

See also:
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